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Home Energy Efficiency Statistics | The Importance of Energy-Efficient Homes

Are you looking up helpful home energy efficiency statistics to better understand their benefits? Check out this guide to learn about energy efficiency and other facts!

There is a large amount of data across the web being shared by multiple sources when it comes to providing power-saving ideas. The U.S. Department of Energy is a popular source to find the necessary information when planning, evaluating, or providing residential energy-saving ideas.

You’ll find many sources offering data and opinions that vary as the research provides individuals, builders, manufacturers, and communities with the best information available.

What is Home Energy Efficiency

Energy conservation relies on people minimizing activities that consume power such as cutting down the lighting in our homes or decreasing the use of appliances. Energy efficiency takes advantage of the technology we have to help avoid or reduce waste. This means when we do turn on the lights, drive a car, and use a washer or AC unit, we use less energy in the process. It is a smarter way of using the natural resources we have.

Detailed home energy efficiency statistics assist us in our journey of becoming technology savvy when building new homes. Even by simply adding LED bulbs to the lighting, the overall benefits add up.

Thanks to the efforts of improving home energy efficiency, U.S. energy use is about the same now as it was in the year 2000. And that’s even factoring in the significant economic growth that has occurred since then.

So in many ways, being more efficient when using the power we have has done more to meet America’s energy needs than oil, gas, or nuclear power over the past four decades.

Why Should I Learn About Energy Efficiency?

As you walk through your home and conduct a home energy efficiency assessment to see where improvements can be made, you will need to know the many aspects of saving power to make the necessary changes. These adjustments offer benefits that will provide years of comfort and savings.

Cutting Carbon Pollution

One of the best ways to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions is by having a more energy-efficient home. As an example, Nexstar Homes communities are working hard to provide better buildings and reduce climate pollution on a larger scale. Purchasing appliances and other power-saving equipment is a cost-effective, impactful way we can make a difference.

Creating Jobs

There are many occupations in the industries of coal, gas, and oil production, but more than 2.2 million Americans have jobs in clean energy production. The good news is many of these careers pay more than the national average and are located across the country from coastal cities to midwest rural communities.

These positions include the installation of solar energy products, operating windmills, and manufacturing appliances or other energy-efficient products. The U.S. Department of Energy’s latest jobs report shows that the nation has over 3.2 million Americans working in wind, solar, and other clean energy which outnumbered fossil fuel positions 3 to 1.

Lowering Bills

As you begin the process of purchasing items for a new home, it will be vital to find ways to save money. Take into account the amount you will conserve with energy-efficient appliances since using these types of products can save a U.S. household up to $500 a year on utility bills.

Local electric companies have many ideas and tools for lowering power bills and assisting in the efforts to help save their customers some money. From energy-saving DIY videos to articles on insulation and air seals, check out local tips online.

Improving Lives

When purchasing items for a newly-built home it is vital to find home energy efficiency products that will make a difference for your health and well-being. Cutting nationwide energy consumption by 15% for one year could help save six American lives a day and avoid spending about $20 billion on health-related problems.

When we burn coal, oil, and natural gas, it releases tiny particles into the air and can contribute to asthma, heart attacks, and lung cancer. If our homes are not properly weatherized and have poor ventilation, this can also contribute to respiratory issues. Take the time to research and purchase energy-efficient products that can improve our everyday life and health.

Buying Energy-Efficient Appliances

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy run a voluntary program. They research and study the appliances improving home energy efficiency and label them with the Energy Star tags.

They are widely recognized with over 18,000 partners. Energy Star labels can be found on more than 75 types of products including major appliances, lighting, and home electronics. These products can save you $4.50 for every $1 spent on electricity.

Today, a new fridge uses 75% less energy and costs less than half as much as it did in the 1970s when you adjust for inflation. Washing machines with Energy Star labels use one-fourth less power and one-third less water than standard models, cutting back on two of your utility bills at the same time.

Heating and Cooling Your Home

If just 1 in 10 households bought Energy Star labeled heating and cooling equipment, we would avoid pumping 13 billion pounds of gas emissions into the environment each year or the equivalent of running 1.2 million cars. These same air conditioners, central air-conditioning units, and heat pumps can also cut a customer’s bill by more than $160.

When searching for home energy efficiency items, make sure to take a look at heat pumps. The super-efficient electric heat pumps are a clean and affordable option for heating or cooling your home. They move heat from a cool space to a warm space which can be more cost-effective while using less energy.

In many climates, heat pumps can be used as the only heating source while being more efficient as they sit in the same spot, using the same air ducts and thermostats.

Helpful Home Energy Efficiency Statistics

Weatherizing Your Home

Using better insulation, weatherizing doors and windows, purchasing energy-efficient appliances and electronics, and using LED lighting could cut over 500 million metric tons of pollution a year by 2050. This is equal to the emissions produced by electric power in the state of California, Florida, Illinois, Virginia, New York, and Texas in 2016.

Mindful Savings

In 2012, the average U.S. household spent $1,945 on heating, cooling, appliances, electronics, and lighting. This ends up being about 2.7% of a household income, which according to the U.S. Census Bureau is the lowest its been since 2002. We as a nation are becoming more aware of the need for understanding these vital home energy efficiency statistics and how they show up as lower bills.

Ceiling Fans

Power-saving ceiling fans with accompanied light fixtures are 60% more efficient than conventional units. Using a ceiling fan can also make a room feel 10% cooler while using just 10% of the energy of a central air conditioner.

Purchase Energy Star Products

For nearly thirty years, the blue and white Energy Star label has become the highest standard when purchasing more cost-effective, power-saving appliances and equipment. Home energy efficiency assessments and experts estimate the program has saved $430 billion on customer bills and reduced carbon pollution by 2.7 billion metric tons.

The home energy efficiency statistics shown by Energy Star stand out among the crowd of options. It is something to consider when searching for new appliances and products for your home. If your appliances don’t have this unique label, replacing them with newer power-saving models can save the average household more than $500 a year, and those numbers could climb to $840 by 2030 thanks to the national standards.

Make Change to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Home

Learning the best home energy-efficient statistics and understanding how you can save makes the research a vital part of purchasing a new home. These efforts improve lives by helping people be healthy, cut monthly utility costs, and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Find out how Nexstar Homes is making a difference as we build homes that are energy-efficient and affordable!


Explore Our Newest Communities

Here at Nexstar Homes, we make sure our homes use the most energy-efficient materials to keep homes warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Check out more specific details about the Nexstar Advantage to find out the steps we take!


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